Australian Attitudes to the Mining Industry

Voconiq has been engaged by Australia's national science agency, CSIRO to explore the attitudes of Australians toward the mining industry. This survey builds on a program of work conducted in 2014 and 2017 which provided some important insights into the relationship between mining and Australian society.

Insights from this survey will:

  • be used to inform a national conversation about mining in Australia
  • shape CSIRO’s ongoing research activities
  • be shared in public reports and academic publications.

The survey was conducted in March and April of 2024, and has now closed.

Thank you to everyone who participated. We look forward to sharing the insights with the community soon.

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About Voconiq

沃科尼克 是一家總部位於布里斯班的參與科學公司。我們專注於將社區的聲音帶入公司和組織,例如 Yindjibarndi Nation。我們幫助公司和組織更了解對社區來說重要的事情,並從而建立更深的關係。從本質上講,我們是一家重視人和社區利益的公司,我們努力幫助社區就影響他們的專案和當地問題發表意見。

我們是一支多技能且不斷壯大的團隊,由科學家、研究人員、學者、社區參與專家和行業專家組成,他們重視人和關係高於一切。我們由執行長 Kieren Moffat 博士領導,目前正在五大洲提供我們的創新方法.


Voconiq is conducting this survey on behalf of CSIRO, but we are separate from the organisation. This means your survey responses remain seperate from your personally identifying information before these are passed to CSIRO, and therefore they cannot link a response to any particular person.

我們將收集一些個人信息,包括聯絡資訊、人口統計資料(例如性別、職業)以及有關您個人觀點的資訊。個人資訊的收集、使用、揭露、儲存和安全是根據《1988 年隱私法》(《隱私法》)的規定進行的,包括合法處理個人資訊的條件。請查看 Voconiq 的 隱私權政策 更多細節。



Voconiq 是一家於 2019 年從 CSIRO 分離出來的公司。它透過激發對不同觀點的理解,彌合了社區與與其合作的公司和機構之間的差距。在科學平台的支持下,Voconiq 將數據驅動的社群見解轉化為切實的解決方案,從而改善社區、政府、機構和公司互動和聯繫的方式。
