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Voconiq is conducting the 'Moreton Says' survey on behalf of the Moreton Bay Regional Council.

Über Voconiq

Voconiq ist ein in Brisbane ansässiges Engagement-Science-Unternehmen. Wir sind darauf spezialisiert, die Stimmen von Gemeinschaften in Unternehmen und Organisationen wie Yindjibarndi Nation einzubringen. Wir helfen Unternehmen und Organisationen, ein besseres Verständnis dafür zu entwickeln, was für Gemeinschaften wichtig ist, und dadurch tiefere Beziehungen aufzubauen. Im Grunde sind wir ein Unternehmen, das Menschen und Gemeinschaftsinteressen wertschätzt, und wir arbeiten hart daran, Gemeinden dabei zu helfen, sich zu Projekten und lokalen Themen zu äußern, die sie betreffen.

Who we are

Wir sind ein vielseitiges, wachsendes Team aus Wissenschaftlern, Forschern, Akademikern, Spezialisten für gesellschaftliches Engagement und Branchenexperten, die Menschen und Beziehungen über alles andere schätzen. Wir werden von unserem CEO, Dr. Kieren Moffat, geleitet und liefern unsere innovativen Ansätze nun auf fünf Kontinenten.

Voconiq - People in Line - Circle

Was machen wir?

Wir stellen verwertbare Daten und Erkenntnisse bereit, um Unternehmen und Organisationen zu helfen, zu verstehen, was in den sie umgebenden Gemeinschaften vor sich geht, einschließlich der Gedanken und Meinungen der Menschen in diesen Gemeinschaften. Wir sammeln diese Daten mithilfe einer Vielzahl von Methoden, zu denen in der Regel Umfragen, Interviews, die Einbindung der Community und der Interessengruppen sowie vorhandene Datenquellen aus der Community gehören.

Unser Ziel ist es, die Stimmen von Gemeinschaften dorthin zu bringen, wo sie Veränderungen bewirken können und am meisten gebraucht werden: innerhalb der Unternehmen und Organisationen, die in und um sie herum tätig sind.

How do we help Moreton Bay Regional Council?

Moreton Bay Regional Council (MBRC) have engaged Voconiq to deliver the ‘Moreton Says’ series of community surveys. The goal of these surveys is to give community members the opportunity to provide their thoughts and feedback on Moreton Bay Regional Council, the work that they do, and what community members value most about their region. The benefit of having Voconiq undertake this region-wide work is to allow community members to confidentially express their views, thoughts and concerns to someone that has no conflicting interest in the outcome of the work. This will not only help community members feel more comfortable providing their unfiltered opinions, but also help us collect a sample of responses at arm’s length from your council.

Wie schützen wir Ihre Privatsphäre?

Voconiq is conducting the ‘Moreton Says’ region-wide community survey on behalf of Moreton Bay Regional Council, but we are separate from council. This means we will separate your survey responses from your personally identifying information before these are passed to council, therefore council cannot link a response to any particular person.

We collect two kinds of information from you: personal information (i.e., your name, email address, etc.) and survey responses (i.e., your opinions). We collect your personal information so we can invite you to complete brief follow-up surveys over the course of the Moreton Says initiative and to provide you with project updates. Your personal information will be provided to Moreton Bay Regional Council, but Voconiq ensures it is not, and cannot be, connected to your survey responses.

That is, we keep personally identifying details in a database that is separate from the database that holds your answers, responses, and opinions that you express within the survey, and both are never supplied to Moreton Bay Regional Council in a way that can be linked. When we supply the survey’s findings, insights, and outcomes to Moreton Bay Regional council, the information comes only from the separate ‘responses’ database and is provided to them in such a way that no one person or household could be identified from the findings.

We use your survey responses to produce summary reports and data visualisations for Moreton Bay Regional Council, communication materials, and presentations related to the Moreton Says initiative. Your survey responses will be used by council to inform planning, decision making, and to understand communities across the region in new ways. The data that Voconiq collects may also be included in Moreton Bay Regional Council’s DataHub for publicly funded data under their open data policy. All information collected will be used for these stated purposes only and will not be given to any other person or agency unless you have given Voconiq or Moreton Bay Regional Council permission to do so, or we are required by law to disclose it.

You may withdraw your participation from the 'Moreton Says' program of work at any time without consequence. You may also request to have your personal information deleted from both Voconiq and Council databases at any time. Your survey response data, however, cannot be deleted from the database once it has been de-identified.

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How can you register or participate?

The Moreton Says survey is targeted at people who live, work and play in the Moreton Bay area. If this sounds like you and you would like to participate, register for updates on the survey or just get some more information, please click the blue button below to visit the Moreton Says website:

How can you contact us about Moreton Says?

If you would like to get in touch for more information about who we are, what we do, how we are involved with Moreton Bay Regional Council, the Moreton Says project or how we use, process and handle your data, please do not hesitate to contact us at:

Telefon  1800 232 836
Adresse  Ebene 6, 25 King St, Bowen Hills, Q 4006, Australien

You can also enter your details and question into the contact form below.

Häufig gestellte Fragen

Voconiq ist ein Unternehmen, das 2019 aus CSIRO hervorgegangen ist. Es schließt die Lücke zwischen Gemeinden und den mit ihnen zusammenarbeitenden Unternehmen und Institutionen, indem es das Verständnis für unterschiedliche Standpunkte aktiviert. Auf der Grundlage einer wissenschaftlichen Plattform übersetzt Voconiq datengesteuerte Community-Erkenntnisse in konkrete Lösungen, die die Art und Weise verbessern, wie Communities, Regierungen, Institutionen und Unternehmen interagieren und miteinander interagieren.
